Question 1:
Illustrate out why acid iron is also called haematite iron or sweedish iron.
Question 2:
Illustrate what Thomas iron is.
Question 3:
What do you understand by the steel scrap? Illustrate about various types of steel scraps employed in steel making.
Question 4:
What are the benefits of twin-hearth furnace procedure of steel making?
Question 5:
Write down a short note on future of continuous steel making process.
Question 6:
Illustrate about the mechanism of oxygen transfer in open hearth furnace steel making process.
Question 7:
With the use of a appropriate sketch, illustrate about tilting open-hearth furnace.
Question 8:
Write down the advantages and drawbacks of furnace.
Question 9:
Illustrate out the term bottom teeming.
Question 10:
What are the advantages and drawbacks of bottom teeming?