
advantages and disadvantagesof organizational

Advantages and Disadvantages:

of Organizational Charts Advantages 

a)  Defining the Organizational Relationship Without a,chart, many people might view the organization as just a group of people, parts or activities. The organization chart provides us with a picture of structure of organization through which we can understand the organization as a whole. 

b)  Rationalizing the Organization The preparation of organization chart needs a preliminary but detailed study of the organization. This can lead to greater efficiency and clearcut definition of responsibilities and accountability. When lines of authority are shown on chart, each manager and nursing person knows where she stands in relation to other nursing officers.  

c)  Helpful  in Reference An organization chart can be used for easy reference. It avoids conflicts and can be used for decision making. Those hospitals which have comprehensive organization chart appear to have sound organization structure.  


a)  Organization charts are static in nature. Many charts show the structure as they are supposed to be rather than as they really are. To overcome this charts can  be redrafted.  

b)  Human relations cannor  be portrayed on a chart. 

c)  Responsibilities cannot be clearly defined as shown on the organizational chart. e)  Inflexibility: A new leader may not be flexible  to adapt  the organization chart. But if organization chart is available the new manager can improve on it.  

However, if  the organization charts are prepared by efficient people the drafting can be better. Because, an organization chart at least answers the following questions: 

a)  Who am I: (What is my position in the organization) 

b)  What do I do? (What are my duties) 

c)  To whom I am  accountable? 

d)  Who is accountable to me. 

e)  What are my prospectus.  

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Biology: advantages and disadvantagesof organizational
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