
Advantages and disadvantages of recruitment methods



First, review chapter- "Recruitment " and consider the role of an HR professional as it pertains to recruitment. What are the most critical aspects that should be handled in order to ensure an effective recruitment has been executed? Are there any parts of the process that can be omitted? If so, explain why and if not, explain why not.

Next, consider the advantages and disadvantages of recruitment methods. What methods have you been involved with as you sought out employment? Which method is most appealing to you?


Put yourself in the role of an HR professional. You are tasked with meeting with a group of managers to explain to them the various aspects of a selection process.

Develop, in detail, the topics that you would cover with the managers. Be sure to include critical information. Be sure to describe the items that are important so that they have a good understanding of the process.

You can use the information in Chapter "Selection", internet research, and draw from your own experiences to complete this assignment.

Submit this information in the form of a detailed outline, a narrative statement, or a power point presentation.



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HR Management: Advantages and disadvantages of recruitment methods
Reference No:- TGS02123624

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