Advantage of the broken environment of victims

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Thesis: Human trafficking has been increasing with the ongoing wars in most part of the world. Western countries should accept refuges to avoid the increase of human trafficking in prostitute, organ removing and selling, and forcing women to being sex slaves.

Women will be forced to be prostitute

We live in a world that has accepted man's absolute control over another. The unjustified trade and enslavement of human beings in the 21st century reflects a degenerate state of affairs which confirms that the greatest ethical challenge

Facing the globe today is human trafficking.

Human trafficking is a global phenomenon that manifests in the form of sex trafficking, bonded labor, and organ trafficking. Poverty lies at the heart of human trafficking. In sex trafficking, women and children are merely reduced to the status of a gratifying sexual commodity.

Exploiters take advantage of the broken environment of victims and lure them with false promises of a better life.

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