
Advantage of technology and societal norms

Problem: Identify:

-Transitional words and phrases

-Repetition of key words and phrases

-Pronoun reference


With the advantage of technology and societal norms, people have multiple devices though bringing personal devices to work can lead to legal challenges. Moreover healthcare professionals use their devices for "clinical photography, documentation and clinical note-taking, electronic medical record portals, mobile diagnostic services, drug ordering, scheduling, and clinical communication"(Wani, et al). If an employee, for example, posts a picture of a patient or their medical records on social media: they would get fired and get sued alongside the legal practice. What if the device you use for work is damaged or needs maintenance: who would be responsible for paying these fees? Companies have staff use their device for work; they can be reliable to pay for some of the cost. With the growth of these norms, states have enacted laws to protect employees. Companies could have a monthly stipend set in place for these business expenses. A business can save money on these expenses by having staff uses their device; providing a work device that is managed will save legal woes in the future.

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