
Advantage of a histogram

Complete the multiple choice question:

1 In a stem and leaf plot of numbers with five digits, the stem has two digits. In the number, 42096, the leaf is:





2 An advantage that a histogram has over a pie chart is that:

When two categories are close in size, the difference in the size of the categories is easier to see with the histogram.

The histogram is more attractive

The histogram is easier to construct than the pie chart

The histogram is usually used more often to depict budgets

3 Which of the following graphical depictions of data represents cumulative frequencies?


frequency polygon


pie chart

4 Which of the following is most useful when the decision maker wants to see running totals?



frequency polygon

Pareto chart

5 Which of the following is mainly used to explore the relationship between two numerical variables?



stem and leaf plot

scatter plot

6 Data that have been organized into a frequency distribution are called:

grouped data

distributed data

ungrouped data

frequented data

7 Which of the following graphical depictions of data is a type of vertical bar chart?


frequency polygon


stem and leaf plot

8 In a frequency distribution, which of the following is a running total of frequencies through the classes?

relative frequency

cumulative frequency

class midpoint


9 Suppose the table below contains the four largest companies in a given industry and each company's respective annual sales (in $millions). If a pie chart were constructed to depict the sales of these companies, how many degrees would be in the "slice" of the pie for company C?





10 Consider the following frequency distribution:

What is the relative frequency of the 10-under 15 class?





11 Which of the following is sometimes more difficult to interpret than other graphical depictions because the relative sizes of angles are

hard to judge?

pie chart

triangle chart



12 Which of the following is named after an Italian economist?

Pareto chart

Roman chart

pizza pie chart

Ogive graph

13 It is recommended that the number of classes in a frequency distribution be between:

6 and 20

10 and 20

5 and 15

5 and 20

14 Consider the following frequency distribution:

What is the relative frequency for the class 20-under 30?





15 In a frequency distribution, which of the following is sometimes referred to as the class mark?

relative frequency

cumulative frequency

class midpoint


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Basic Statistics: Advantage of a histogram
Reference No:- TGS01890225

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