
Advances in data storage techniques and rapidly declining

Textbook: Management Information Sysytem : Managing The Digital Firm By Kenneth C. laudon and jane P.laudon.

Scope: Chapters 1-8.


This examination is open book and open notes. The response to factual essay statements1 and 2 will not exceed 4 ½, double-spaced, typed pages each and 2 pages for the thirdfactual essay statement.Justification for each true/false or multiple-choice statement should not exceed one-third 12-point, double-spaced page.

Selecting the proper true/false [T/F] or multiple-choice [MC] response or responses for each statement will earn one point and two points respectively. Discussing your rationale [justification] for the choice will earn up to two points [T/F] and up to three points [MC].

A response of "because it says or doesn't say so in the text" will earn 0 points. The point value for each completion statement varies.

First and second Factual Essays (you have to find the facts from the book and present them as they are make sure that all the facts found)

Discuss Section 3-1.

Discuss The Web.

Third Factual Essay

Discuss Why Systems are Vulnerable.

True False answer with justification

1.The goal of social business is to deepen interactions only with groups outside the firm.

2. Digital technology creates new opportunities for invading your privacy.

3. A DBMS eliminates data inconsistency.

4. Smartphones are becoming a major avenue for malware.

5. Groups of people claiming to be professionals take on special rights and obligations.

6. Information technology is one of many tools managers use to cope with change.

7. The cost of RFID tags is too high for widespread use.

8. Mainframes have disappeared.

9. The length of time required to implement a new information system effectively is much longer than usually anticipated.

10. The World Wide Web is the Internet.

Multiple Choice answer with justification

1.Enterprise applications:
a. Span industries.
b. Focus on executing business processes across the business firm.
c. Include all levels of management.
d. Help businesses become flatter.
e. Help businesses become more productive.

2. Advances in data storage techniques and rapidly declining storage costs have been responsible for the multiplying databases on whom?
a. Researchers.
b. Employees.
c. Customers.
d. Federal government.

3. Problems with a traditional file environment include:
a. Data redundancy.
b. Data inconsistency.
c. Program values.
d. Lack of physical views.

4. The Internet of Things (IoT) introduces a wide range of security challenges to IoT what?
a. Identities.
b. Software.
c. Operating systems.
d. Communications.
e. Connected systems.

5.Information systems raise new ethical questions for both individuals and societies because they threaten existing distributions of:
a. Privacy.
b. Money
c. Rights
d. Information.

6. The Internet has created a new "universal" technology platform on which to build what?
a. New networks.
b. Services.
c. Strategies.
d. Business models.

7. Bluetooth:
a. Is useful for creating personal area networks.
b. Links up to 18 devices.
c. Links devices within a 100-foot area.
d. Uses low power.

8. The factors used to determine how much a firm should spend on I.T. infrastructure include:
a. Market demand for your firm's services.
b. Your firm's business strategy.
c. Your firm's purchase price for equipment.
d. Information technology assessment.
e. Competitor efficiency.
f. Competitor firm I.T. infrastructure investments.

9. Firms that "dobetter" than others are said to have a competitive advantage because of:
a. Access to special resources that others do not have.
b. Ability to use commonly available resources more efficiently.
c. Becauseofsuperiorreliability.
d. Because of strategic assets.

10. Computer science is concerned with establishing:
a. Theories of implementation.
b. Methods of technical solutions.
c. Methods of efficient management.
d. Methods of efficient data access.


1.Senior managers need systems that focus on what?

2. What does a profitable company depend on?

3. What is relevant information?

4. What are the policies, procedures, and technical measures used to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, theft, or physical damage to information systems called?

5. Ethics is what?

6. Why do managers and business firms invest in information technology and systems?

7. What fuels the Internet of Things?

8. Software integration means what?

9. A collection of business processes is what?

10. All of a firm's information technologies, along with the people required to run and manage them, represent what?

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