
Advancement for women or a step backward

Write essay that addresses the status of Eve in Milton's Paradise Lost. How do you read her? Does she constitute an advancement for women or a step backward? Given that she's the only female character with any extended role in the epic, she carries a great deal of allegorical weight. But what does she represent as far as women are concerned? You might consider her in the context of the other works we have read this semester, (The odyssey, Metamorphoses (ovid) but avoid retracing too-too familiar ground. Use those works comparatively, assuming your reader already knows about Penelope, Arachne, Miranda and all the other female characters we have met. Your paper should be six pages long, typed, 12-point font, double-spaced. it should include pages numbers on the upper-right-hand corner of each page except the first page; there should be no extra spaces between paragraphs; two spaces after every sentence; and so on. You must include three secondary sources for this paper. Also, be sure to turn in your brainstorming and outline as they are worth a portion of your final essay grade. As always, the plagiarism rule stands, so be sure to use reputable sources, and back them up. Any paper that contains undocumented material will result in an F for the paper and an F for the class.

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