
Advanced file system management in red hat linux

Question 1) Describe the Linux usage basics in brief.

Question 2) Write a brief note on browsing the file systems.

Question 3) Describe about the need for bash shell.

Question 4) How can you configure bash shell in Linux? Describe.

Question 5) Describe the Linux file system.

Question 6) Compare user and advanced user.

Question 7) Briefly describe kernel and its services.

Question 8) Write brief note on packet management on Linux system.

Question 9) What is virtualization? Why is it required? Describe.

Question 10) Describe the Linux installation.

Question 11)a) Describe in detail the history of Linux.

b) Write a short note on groups and permissions.

Question 12) Describe Output redirection, Input redirection and System configuring tools.

Question 13) Explain in detail the advanced File System Management in Red Hat Linux.

Question 14) Explain in detail the system administration tools and its purpose.

Question 15) Describe in detail the configuration of network in Red Hat Linux.

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Computer Engineering: Advanced file system management in red hat linux
Reference No:- TGS07066

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