
Adults are accused of crimes in adult courts while in

1. What are some reasons records are sealed? Not having a jury can be a positive or a negative here. As a juvenile, would you want a jury? Why? Keeping the juvenile's name private is important. As the victim, would you agree?

2. When target was hacked and so many people's personal information and credit cards were stolen. This not only harms Target as a business, but all of the people that had their information stolen. PlayStation had the same problem a couple of years ago of having their clients' information stolen." What could Target have done to avoid this?

3. Adults are accused of crimes in adult courts while in juvenile courts, minors are accused of a delinquent act. This is accurate. With juvenile court, most, if not all, of the differences are in existence for specific reasons. Having said that, why do they call it a delinquent act? What is the reason?

4. what are some fair punishments for hacking? What factors should be considered?

And just a response to this post of no less than a 100 words.

When a child under the age of 18 is convicted of a crime they are found to be delinquent. In the Juvenile Court System, the time delinquent is used instead of criminal. Status offenses are laws already written for juvenile's that they violate. These laws include minor in possession of alcohol, running away from home, and not attending school. The Juvenile and Adult courts differ in many ways. The Juvenile court system focuses on rehabilitating the youth rather than punishment. The proceedings for the juvenile offender are kept private and determinations may even be erased from their record over time. A detention hearing is held to determine if the child will be held in detention or an alternative option will be used instead. Youth have fewer rights and the hearing are less formal that adult trials. Many factors determine why certain youth are in the system. Non-criminal activities, environment, access to alcohol and drugs are all issues that can determine if a child enters the juvenile court system. Due to these variables the court works extremely hard on identifying programs and services that meets the needs of the youth. I believe if more juveniles are tried as adults it becomes a huge disservice to the youth. I think all options and programs should be utilized to make sure the youth receive the help they need. Juveniles are capable of change if given and shown how. If preventive measure are used to prevent crimes that can aide in the amount of juvenile's being arrested. I believe one current issues is the amount of juvenile's being sent to adult prisons and jails. Once in adult's facilities the chance for rehabilitation for the youth goes down. The adult setting does not provide the appropriate programs that meet the needs of delinquent children. Additionally, the children in adult facilities are at greater risk to experience conflict with adult offenders and staff, as well as possible sexual misconduct. The rates of suicide for juveniles in adult detention is high. I believe juveniles should not be housed in adult facilities. It hinders and takes away that last opportunity to rehabilitate the child and direct then into positive behaviors to live and function appropriately in society.

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Business Law and Ethics: Adults are accused of crimes in adult courts while in
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