
Adopting a prescriptive approach to language use

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a Standard form of English and of adopting a prescriptive approach to language use?

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Description: I need to provide an essay as a response to the following question: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a Standard form of English and of adopting a prescriptive approach to language use? Instructions to complete this work: In preparation for this task, you should read the chapter from Jean Aitchinsonas Language Change: Progress or Decay, page 3-18, (This will be sent as additional/extra materials), and consider the class discussions from the power point slides (Also will be sent as additional/extra materials). Please include at least two quotes from the Aitchinson text. You may also incorporate wider reading. Word Count: 1,000 words for the essay self (Not include the referencing and the content pages). Referencing: You should reference the source as follows: (a) In text: e.g. aGrammars fluctuate and Changea (Aitchinson, 2001: 16) (Authoras last name, publication date of book: page number) (b) The whole reference should then go into a bibliography at the end of the essay, as follows: Aitchinson, Jean. (2001)

Language Change: Progress or Decay. Cambridge University Press Name of Author (date of publication) Title of Book. Publisher of Book

The essay will be marked on: (a) The studentas ability to construct a coherent and well-argued response to the question. (b) The incorporation of key ideas, which have been discussed in class or in wider reading. (c) An ability to express ideas in academic language.

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Reference No:- TGS01435352

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