
admission of mentally patientvoluntary basis

Admission of Mentally Patient:

Voluntary Basis  (Voluntary Admission) 

Any adult person who considers himself  to be mentally ill, can  request  the Medical Officer for admission in public or private psychiatric hospital. A child under the age  of  16 may  be admitted at the request of  his parents or  guardian. The patient'is admitted for 24 hours, then a board consisting of Medical Officer, will decide whether such a voluntary patient needs further treatment or should  be discharged. In that case  the  treatment  is continued  for a  period  of  not  exceeding 90 days at a time. 

Involuntary Basis  (Commitment: Reception Order with Petition):

Any mentally ill person who does not, or is unable to express his willingness for admission as a voluntary patient, may be admitted involuntary in psychiatric hospital by  his guardian. Once the patient  is committed, he cannot leave the hospital against medical advice. The patient is permitted to leave only when psychiatrist decides that  the patient is able to care for  himself  and not dangerous to self and others. The involuntary admitted patient loses his civil rights.  

Reception Order Without Petition 

Almost all psychiatric hospitals have provision for emergency commitment for patients who are acutely ill. Wandering mentally ill person who is believed to be incapable of  taking care of  herself/himself or dangerous mentally ill person, ill treated or neglected mentally ill-person  is often taken in custody by police and is produced before the magistrate. The magistrate after examining  the  person can have him examined by a medical officer  in addition to making any other suitable enquiries. After  the medical officer issues a medical certificate, the Magistrate may then

-  Issue a reception order for admission in an asylum 

- Or send him to a licensed psychiatric hospital

- Or summon a relative and order him to properly care for the mentally ill person 

- Or order a  temporary detention pending further enquiry  

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Biology: admission of mentally patientvoluntary basis
Reference No:- TGS0176382

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