
administrative reforms - economic policyduring


During the last few decades, phenomenal changes are taking place at a fast rate in the field of science and technology as well as in external environment. These changes have their impact on public administration also which, today, has to shoulder multifarious tasks designed to fulfil the rising aspirations of the people. In the words of Prof. Waldo, "Public administration is a part of the cultural complex, and it not only is acted upon, it acts." It is a great creative force. The Editor of Industrial Engineering (May, 1986) has rightly said that the technology scene seems to be exploding, and the result, instead of the desired improvement in productivity; seems to be confusion What they are too often not prepared for are the overwhelming managerial problems involved in the implementation of these technologies. There is an urgent need to re-orient (improve) the systems of public administration to cope with changes in technology and social behaviour and maximise opportunities for raising productivity, and, thus, the standard of living of the people.  

"Good Public Administration", writes Leif H. Share, Director, the Government Institution of Organisation and Management, Oslo, Norway, "could serve as a major instrument for promoting economic and social development and for introducing needed advances in science and technology; but major reforms in the organisations and operations of Government and in the knowledge, skills and attitudes of public employees at all levels were often necessary for it to do so; deficiencies in administration had been a major reason for past failures in the implementation of national development plans." 

Administrative improvement means the act or the process of improving the administration. As stated in a United Nations Report: "Management improvement comprised the planning, implementation and evaluation of various measures conducive to the increase of organisational effectiveness and efficiency." Simple commitment by management is not enough. The improvement process must become basic and continuous. There is no magic approach or solution to be gleaned from either a textbook or a consultant, although either of these can help  management discover an effective programme for carrying out its required responsibility. 

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Microeconomics: administrative reforms - economic policyduring
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