Assignment task: Brief outline of the responses provided during discussions on the "The state of medication in NSW residential aged care"
Q1. In the context of the aged care worker role, how clear are you on the difference between assisting and administration of medication in the aged care environment?
Q2. Why would medication errors not be reported and why would reporting near misses or medication errors be considered best practice?
Q3. In the context of the aged care worker role, what could you do to ensure that quality use of medicines and administration of medication practices comply with legal guidelines?
Q4. When preparing medications for a person with swallowing difficulties how would you know which medications from a dose administration aid pack you can crush and which medications you cannot?
Q5. In the context of the aged care worker role how would you assist in identifying errors in packaging of pharmacy dispensed medications?
Q6. In the context of the aged care worker role how can you confirm ingestion or completion of administration of medications?
Q7. How does accurate recording of administration of medications according to organisation policy prevent medication near misses and errors?