
Administration of justice in the united states


Given the system that exists in administration of justice in the United States, what elements of the system do you feel work well or impede the completion of the judicial process? Does our judicial process relate to biblical principles? Explain your answer. Why is moral behavior important in effective leadership? Provide a Biblical example of moral behavior influencing leadership.

You must use current APA style. You must cite 1 scholarly-quality internet-based source/reference and 1 biblical source/reference to support your answer. Both sources must offer a specific connection to the discussion topic.


Threads must be at least 300 words.

-At a minimum, threads must briefly address both sides of an issue or topic to include 1 specific positive and 1 specific negative issue or aspect relating to the assigned topic. You must also state your position on the issue.

-At a minimum, 1 Internet-based, academic/scholarly-quality, secular-based reference, and 1 biblical-based reference in current APA format is required in support of your comments. The inclusion of multiple, quality secular references is encouraged.

-Justify your response or position by providing a reference to scholarly work(s) and provide reasons/justification supporting your statements. An objective of any university education is the development of one's cognitive abilities in the form of improving one's ability to use academic quality/scholarly materials in responding to assignments.

-Include functional weblink(s) to your references so that classmates and your instructor may easily locate and review your citation. You may use college textbooks as supporting references, however they are not recommended as they limit development of online research skills and will not count for grading purposes.


Replies to at least 2 classmates' threads are required. Replies to threads must be at least 150 words. Supporting references are encouraged, but not required for use in classmate responses.

Please note that replies such as, "I like what you said," "That's a good comment," and "I disagree with your comment," in and of themselves do not count as a complete reply. Rather, stating reasons that support the opinion, adding additional ideas/thoughts, or providing alternative ideas/thoughts count as a reply. Courtesy in any disagreement is expected, thus, personal attacks or calling an idea "stupid" are not acceptable and will count against your grade.

Responding to a classmate's post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely affirm, restate or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions.


I would say the whole system is flawed and impede the completion of the judicial process. The premise of the judicial system is simple and good: have set laws, arrest lawbreakers, punish lawbreakers, release lawbreakers into the public. This is straightforward and easy to understand, but it is not easily executed. People are vastly different, even from childhood spanking works for some, timeout works for others. Individuals react differently to different stimulus and punishment. Aside from the individualistic aspect of the judicial system, or lack thereof, the punishment system itself is broken. This is arguably the most important part of the judicial system because if one can master corrections, the recidivism rate will drop, money will be saved, and communities will be more productive and safer. There are five things that must be in place for punishment to be effective: consistent intensity, prompt punishment, consistent punishment, punishment can't be associated with positive enforcement, and finally, the punishment shouldn't cause the offender to flee. These ideas come from Yves Hanoulle, and the goal of these conditions is to encourage a change in behavior. One can see from these five conditions alone the defectiveness of the judicial system we have. It takes a long time for a court date to come around, criminals aren't caught every time, the punishments vary depending on state and local laws.

The main thing the judicial system gets wrong is too strong of a focus on punishment, and too little focus on behavioral change and rehabilitation. Punishment, when applied correctly, is highly effective, but one must ask if its possible to apply the same punishment consistently and every time a crime is committed. There is a reason why recidivism rates are high and behaviors aren't changed, and it has to do with the execution of punishment and lack of rehabilitation.

The Bible is filled with examples of rehabilitation of offenders. For example, Christians. The human race is devoid of any good and can do no good, but instead seeks to do evil. More often than not, people tend to offend God and His laws so one would expect God to destroy everything and everybody. To be fair, He does do that once with the flood and He does destroy a few cities who were exceptionally volatile, however, God did something that has changed the world: He rehabilitated His people, while they were still offenders. " I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh" Ezekiel 36:26. Again we see the cost of the rehabilitation of the sinners in Romans 5:10 " For if, while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!" God did not punish the whole world but instead sacrificed his son to save us, not damn us. This is the picture of non-justice. Justice would look like the Great Flood of Noah's day. Injustice would be punishing the undeserving. Non-justice is receiving mercy when the offender deserves none. There is a place for punishment, but perhaps there is a place for the Godly practice of Non-justice as well.

On the topic of moral behavior in leadership, it is important because with a sound, an objective moral compass to guide you through decisions, you will be lost and you won't even know it. There are empirical studies that support this assertion and support the opposite implication that those leaders with a good moral aptitude foster better relations and better outcomes.

We tested the proposed relationships with matched reports from 154 Korean white-collar employees and their immediate supervisors, collected at two different points in time. The results revealed that ethical leadership was positively related to moral voice, and moral efficacy mediated the relationship. Importantly, as the relationship between ethical leadership and moral efficacy depended on leader-follower congruence, the mediated relationship was effective only under high leader-follower value congruence. (Lee, Choi, Youn & Chun, 2015).
Even though the environment in which this type of moral leadership can work is selective and takes time to form, the results are fantastic. The article goes on to say that ethical leadership has led to "desirable employee attitudes and behaviors, including job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance" (Lee et al., 2015).

Daniel is a good example of a leader pursuing morality in spite of the outcome. He refused to bow to Nebuchadnezzar which would have been an immoral and unrighteous act of idolatry. Daniel had a conviction to stand both literally and figuratively for God and what he knew to be right, not in his eyes, but in Gods. This ended with him being thrown into the furnace, and God ultimately rescuing him. He had a following of friends, not many, but enough to call him a leader. His convictions and actions inspired them to follow his lead even to death. They were all moral leaders in their own rights for believing in the goodness and faithfulness of God.


5 conditions for effective punishments. (2016, February 25).

Lee, D., Choi, Y., Youn, S., & Chun, J. U. (2017). Ethical leadership and employee moral voice: The mediating role of moral efficacy and the moderating role of leader-follower value congruence. Journal of Business Ethics, 141(1), 47-57.

The Holy Bible: Updated New American Standard Bible: Containing the Old Testament and the New Testament. (1999). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub. House.


Elements of the judicial system

Although there are many system processes that need to be changed in the judicial process, there are others that work pretty well. One of this according to my observation is the due process. This process is found in the fourteenth amendment of the bill of rights. The due process focuses on the rights of an individual. The purpose of this process is to ensure that innocent people do not end convicted of the crimes they did not commit. If this process was not there, many people today in the United States of America would have ended up in jails for the crimes they did not commit. Such cases would have been worse during the eras in which the DNA technology had been embraced fully for crime purses (Peak and Giacomazzi, 2019).

The law relates to the biblical scripture in the Exodus 20:16. The verse is part of the Ten Commandments in which the children of Israel were instructed not to bear false witness against their neighbours or fellow Jews. It is simply because false accusation will lead to an innocent person end up being accused of the crime they did not commit. During the time of Moses, if one was accused of adultery, they had to be stoned to death. If a person will be accused of adultery falsely, that person will end up losing their lives for the crimes they did not commit. The author of Proverbs in chapter twenty-one verse fifteen says that when the justice is administered, it is of great joy to the righteous people. However, this is a terror to the evildoers. All these verses agree with the due process as described in the fourteen amendment of the bill of rights. Furthermore it the verses shows that God needs all the people to administer justice in all cases without partiality. It also shows that God judge of our lives and God of justice (Jacobson and Jacobson, 2017).


Jacobson, R. A., & Jacobson, K. (2017). The Old Testament and the Neighbor. Word & World, 37(1), 16.

Peak, K. J., & Giacomazzi, A. L. (2019). Justice administration: Police, courts, and corrections management. Pearson.

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