
administration of interview schedulerules for

Administration of Interview Schedule:

Rules for  Interviewing 

Fix-up the Appointment:  Interviewer should  fix up  the data and time  of interview with  the  subjecthnterviewee  ahead of  time. This would  save time  of the interviewer. 

Appearance  of Interviewer: As  a general rule the interviewer should dress  in  a fashion fairly familiar to that  of the people  she will be interviewing. The interviewer should be pleasant and communicate  a genuine interest in getting to know the respondent without appearing  to be  a "spy".  She must be relaxed and friendly without being too casual and clinging. 

Familiarity  "with  Interview Schedule/Questionnaire: The questionnaire/interview schedule must be  studied  carehlly question  by  question and interviewer must practice reading  it  aloud. The interviewer must  be  able  to read the items  to respondents without error without stumbling over  the words  and phrases and in a natural conversational manner. Of  course, the interviewer should not  attempt to memorize the schedule. 

Follow Question Wording Carefully: Question wordings should be followed exactly  as phrased. All  the  effort will  be wasted  if  interviewers rephrase questions  in their own words. Slight change in  the wording of  a question may change  the meaning. Record-Responses Exactly: No  attempt should be made to summarize. paraphrase or correct bad grammar  of  the  responses given by  the subject particularly for open-ended questions. The response should be written down exactly  as given.  

Record-Responses Exactly: No  attempt should be made to summarize. paraphrase or correct bad grammar  of  the  responses given by the subject particularly for open-ended questions. The response should be written down exactly  as given.  

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Management Theories: administration of interview schedulerules for
Reference No:- TGS0176951

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