Question 1: What do you understand by winding up of company when can a company be wound up by the court? Who are the persons entitled to present a petition for winding up of a company by court, describe it with procedure?
Question 2: Point out the distribution between and special features of:
a) Winding up of a company by the court.
b) Winding up subject to the supervision of the court.
c) A voluntary winding up.
Question 3: Describe about the contributories in winding up of a company and critically examine their right to claim set-off against the company. What is the nature and extent of a contributory’s liability?
Question 4: Critically examine the provisions of different regulatory authorities given by Companies Act and other statutes if any.
Question 5: What are the powers of inspectors appointed by the Central government to investigate the affairs of a company? What action might be taken by the Central government on the report of the inspector?
Question 6: Describe the legal provisions concerning striking of the name of defunct company in the light of the statement ‘the power of the registrar of companies to strike off the name of a defunct company is meant to be used in cases where a company is not legally dissolved’.
Question 7: Describe about National Company Tribunal established under the Companies Act.
Question 8: Describe the responsibilities of a liquidator of a company under the Companies Act.
Question 9: Critically examine the present legal set-up of company administration.
Question 10: Write a brief note on any two of the given:
a) Fast track section 560 scheme.
b) Nationalization of sick industries
c) Company law board
d) Compulsory winding up.