
Administer formal and informal motor screening and

Assignment: Job Analysis & Job Description

The job analysis and job description project must be about USA. You must conduct a job requirements job analysis using an interview technique for any job/incumbent of your choosing. Choose someone who is currently employed in a position You should complete each of the following ten activities. Items listed below each activity are the deliverables you should include in your assignment..

1. Gather job information from at least 2 sources other than the job incumbent. This can include internal documents or external sources (e.g., existing job descriptions, performance evaluation forms, other internal/external documents, O*Net descriptions, supervisor interview, observation, etc.). See pp. 168-173 in your textbook for help.

2. Description of methods & sources used with copies where applicable.

3. Gather additional job information by interviewing the job incumbent (this should not be done until #1 has been completed).

i. Interview questions used.
ii. Notes taken during interview.

4. Using the information you gathered in Items 1 & 2 above, write task statements for the job using the format and guidelines presented in class and the text (i.e., sentence analysis). The job incumbent should not be included in this process.

5. Sentence analysis of task statements in table form.

6. The job incumbent (i.e., subject matter expert) will then rate the task statements on their frequency and criticality to the job.

7. Rating forms completed by incumbent.

8. Determine a decision rule for retaining tasks for a final list. Task statements should then be grouped into task dimensions. I will see your final task statements and dimensions in your job description (Item 10 below).

9. An explanation of method for determining final task list (i.e., decision rule used).

10. Develop a list of knowledge, skills, abilities, and any other job criteria needed for each essential task retained from conducting items 1 through 6.

11. The job incumbent will then rate the KSAOs on their importance and need for assessment during recruitment and selection.

12. Rating forms completed by incumbent.

13. A decision rule should be determined for retaining KSAOs for a final list.

i. An explanation of method for determining final KSAO list (i.e., decision rule used).
ii. Job requirements matrix, including task dimensions, KSAOs, & ratings (see Exhibit 4.3 on p. 158).

14. Identify job context requirements. I will see these in your job description.

15. Develop a job description and job specification.

16. Job description and job specification.

CHAPTER FOUR Job Analysis and Rewards

EXHIBIT 4.11 Example of Combined Job Description/Specification



Works with children with disabilities and their families to identify developmental strengths and weaknesses, develop rehabilitation plans, deliver and coordinate rehabilitation activities, and evaluate effectiveness of those plans and activities.


1. Assessment

Administer formal and informal motor screening and evaluation instruments to conduct assessments. Perform assessments to identify areas of strengths and need.

2. Planning

Collaborate with parents and other providers to directly develop the individualized family service plan. Use direct and consultative models of service in developing plans.

3. Delivery

Carry out individual and small-group motor development activities with children and families. Provide service coordination to designated families. Work with family care and child care providers to provide total services. Collaborate with other staff members and professionals from community agencies to obtain resources and specialized assistance.

4. Evaluation

Observe, interpret, and report on client to monitor individual progress. Assist in collecting and reporting intervention data in order to prepare formal program evaluation reports. Write evaluation reports to assist in developing new treatment strategies and programs.


1. License: 2. Education:
3. Experience: 4. Skills:

License to practice physical therapy in the state B.S. in physical or occupational therapy required; M.S. preferred Prefer (not required) one year experience working with children with disabilities and their families Listening to and interacting with others (children, family members, coworkers) Developing treatment plans Organizing and writing reports using Microsoft Word

JOB CONTEXT: Indoors, office, business clothes, no environmental or job hazards.

EXHIBIT 4.12 Criteria for Guiding Choice of Job Analysis Methods

Method Sources Advantages and Disadvantages

Prior information
Task questionnaire
Committee or task force

Current job descriptions Training manuals Performance appraisals O*NET
Trained job analysts or HR professionals watch incumbents perform the job
HR professionals discuss job requirements with job incumbents and managers
Job incumbents, managers, and HR professionals fill in a standardized form with questions regarding job
Managers, representatives from HR, and incumbents meet to discuss job descriptions

Readily available Inexpensive External sources may not match jobs in your organization Focus is on how jobs have been done previously, not how they will be done in the future.

Thorough, rich information Does not rely on intermediary information sources Not appropriate for jobs that are largely mental in character Incumbents may behave differently if they know they're being observed.

Takes the incumbent's knowledge of the position into account Time-consuming and costly Quality depends on the knowledge and ability of the interviewee and skill of the interviewer

Standardized method across a variety of jobs Can combine information from large numbers of incumbents quickly Developing questionnaires can be expensive and time-consuming Requires that incumbents be capable of completing the forms accurately.

Brings expertise of a variety of individuals into the process Increases reliability of the process Enhances acceptance of the final product Significant investment of staff time.

CHAPTER FOUR Job Analysis and Rewards.

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HR Management: Administer formal and informal motor screening and
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