
Adjusted mortality rate for black males

U.S. Mortality Rate from Diabetes Mellitus Among White and Black Males, 2002-2006 White Males Black Males

Age Count Population Rate per 100,000 Count Population Rate per 100,000

<20 164 162,641,291 0.1 83 33,705,536 0.2

20-29 590 81,937,726 0.7 322 14,478,486 2.2

30-39 2,336 84,095,945 2.8 1,011 13,129,275 7.7

40-49 8,060 92,001,425 8.8 2,542 13,094,742 19.4

50-59 18,274 74,721,834 24.5 5,164 8,927,492 57.8

60-69 28,305 45,863,716 61.7 6,609 4,737,703 139.5

70-79 41,653 30,755,031 135.4 6,936 2,661,141 260.6

80+ 44,980 16,327,464 275.5 5,030 1,199,688 419.3

Total 144,362 588,344,432 24.5 27,697 91,934,063 30.1

What is the adjusted mortality rate for black males using the age distribution for white males? Show your calculations in tabular form. Is this the direct or indirect method for age adjustment?

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Basic Statistics: Adjusted mortality rate for black males
Reference No:- TGS0867462

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