Adjusted basis in partnership interest at the end of year

Jerry, a partner with 30% capital and profit interest, received his Schedule K-1 from Plush Pillows, LP. At the beginning of the year, Jerry's tax basis in his partnership interest was $50,000. His current year Schedule K-1 reported an ordinary loss of $15,000, long-term capital gain of $3,000, qualifying dividends of $2,000, $500 of non-deductible expenses, a $10,000 cash contribution, and a reduction of $4,000 in his share of partnership debt. What is Jerry's adjusted basis in his partnership interest at the end of the year?

A. $35,000

B. $40,000

C. $45,500

D. $49,500

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Accounting Basics: Adjusted basis in partnership interest at the end of year
Reference No:- TGS050668

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