
Adhesion contracts and its impact on internet

Question 1:

We know there are 3 types of number portability. What are they and describe them.

Question 2:

Explain how the Telecommunications Act of 1996 impacted on Long-Distance Access Charges.

Question 3:

a) Explain the Bill and Keep Technique – Payment for Traffic Originated only.

b) Explain the Direct Cash-Payment Technique – Payment for Traffic Terminated only.

Question 4:

The creation of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 1994 proved to be one of the most important events in telecommunications history. Its agreements influencing telecommunications equipment and services have completely changed the structure of worldwide telecommunications and opened previously closed markets to new players. The WTO agreements provide the trade rules and regulations which enabled modern telecommunications to be used during the world, establishing the infrastructure and services required for the global, converged, broadband Internet Age. The WTO agreement helped in many ways, describe them?

Question 5:

The WTO is the successor to the GATT and absorbed the GATT in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement. However, the WTO is not simply an extension of GATT. Instead, it completely replaces the GATT and has an extremely different character covering a much broader scope.

Discuss about some of the principal differences.

Question 6:

a) Explain the Shrink-wrap and Point-and-click licenses.

b) Explain the Adhesion Contracts and its impact on Internet.

Question 7:

While the law has established procedures for resolving trademark issues, the Internet Age has presented numerous unique trademark infringement issues that haven’t been resolved. Name and describe them.

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Other Subject: Adhesion contracts and its impact on internet
Reference No:- TGS06575

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