
Adevelop a static object model by drawing a class diagram

An organization has been entrusted with developing a Registration and Title system that maintains information about all vehicles registered in a particular state. For each vehicle that is registered with the office, the system has to store the name, address, telephone number of the owner, the start date and end date of the registration, plate information (issuer, year, type, and number), sticker (year, type, and number), and registration fee. In addition, the following information is maintained about the vehicles themselves: the number, year, make, model, body style, Gross weight, number of passengers, diesel powered (yes/no), color, cost, and mileage. If the vehicle is a trailer, diesel powered and number of passengers are not relevant. For travel trailers, the body number and length must be known. The system needs to maintain information on the luggage capacity for a car, maximum cargo capacity and maximum towing capacity for a truck, and horsepower for a motorcycle. The system issues registration notices to owners of vehicles whose registrations are due to expire after two months. When the owner reviews the registration, the system updates the registration information on the vehicle. 

a. Develop a static object model by drawing a class diagram that shows all the object classes, attributes, operations, relationships, and multiplicities. For each operation, show its argument list. 
b. Draw a state diagram that captures all the possible states of a Vehicle object, right from the time the vehicle was manufactured until it goes to the junkyard. In drawing the diagram, you may make any necessary assumptions, as long as they are realistic. 
d. One of the use cases for this application is "Issue registration renewal notice," which is performed once every day. Draw a sequence diagram, in generic form, showing all possible object interactions for this use case.  

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Business Management: Adevelop a static object model by drawing a class diagram
Reference No:- TGS0936508

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