
addresses resistance to changeunderstanding and

Addresses resistance to change.

Understanding and managing organizational change presents complex challenges. Planned change may not work, and at the root of it all is "resistance".

Please address the following:

When Jorge Maldonado became general manager of the local civic recreation center, he realized that many changes would be necessary to make the facility a true community resource. Having the benefit of a new bond issue, then center had the funds for new equipment and expanded programming. All he needed to do now was get the staff committed to the new initiatives. Unfortunately, his efforts have been met with considerable resistance to change. A typical staff comment is, "Why do we need all these extras? Everything is fine as it is."

How can Jorge deal with the employees' resistance to change, to enable him to move the change process along?

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Business Management: addresses resistance to changeunderstanding and
Reference No:- TGS0481720

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