Assignment Task:
First, read the blog: What's the Difference Between an Advocate and an Activist? Have You Been Mislabeling? and pages 5-18 of Chapter 2, 52 through 64 of Chapter 4, and Chapter 6 in your class text.
Next, read 'How to Be an Ally' from Paraquad. Then, watch this TED talk from Judy Heumann (YouTube Video: Our fight for disability rights and why we're not done yet | Judith Heumann | TEDxMidAtlantic).
Finally, select and watch/read two of the Pioneers-National Disability Organizations (see below).
Pioneers-National Disability Organizations:
WNYIL. (2015). Pioneers in Disability Rights and Community Organizing - An Interview with Justin Dart. Retrieved from YouTube
CAN TV. (2017). ADAPT - A Brief History of the Disability Rights Movement (Marca Bristo). Retrieved from YouTube
Sensei Aishitemasu. (2022). Hidden Figures: Johnnie Lacy. Retrieved from YouTube
TEDx Talks. (2017). Our fight for disability rights and why we're not done yet by Judith Heumann. Retrieved from YouTube
Yodisabledproud. (2012). Ed Roberts: Free Wheeling. Retrieved from YouTube
LeDerick Horne. (2018). Brad Lomax: Celebrating Black History & People with Disabilities. Retrieved from YouTube
Assignment: Create a visual (mindmap, comparison chart, infographic, etc.) that:
1. Addresses core values of disability activism and advocacy as they played out in the lives of these Pioneers (including Judy Heumann) and organizations. Need Assignment Help?
2. Address relationships between activists and/or advocates and disability organizations. Also include a short reflection (50-75 words) on ways in which you can envision yourself engaging in disability advocacy and/or activism.