
Addresses all community health concerns


A nursing informaticist role that interests me and at the same time would be beneficial to the community around me would be a Population Health Informatics Specialist. This role addresses all community health concerns from reducing chronic diseases to improving overall health of the community. A Population Health Informatics Specialist can play a role in or design outreach programs for health education, with evidence based data. This role would have been critical at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as the Population Health Informatics Specialist could address the public health safety concerns and organize data for the public. While addressing all public health concerns the Population Health Informatics Specialist can make sure that all community health education and resources are used correctly, safely, and efficiently. According to an article I read by Cynthia LeRouge " The health industry is shifting from responding to illness to sustaining well-being." A key take away concept of this class that I will use in practice is patient privacy and data security. I have been abiding by HIPPA compliance regulations since I have been a nurse but this class had me take a deeper look into how vulnerable and sensitive patient information is and how

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Reference No:- TGS03436858

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