Address the varying levels of knowledge and skill building

Discussion Post: American History Questions

Every day, teachers are challenged to engage their students in meaningful conversations that prompt critical thinking. The purpose of this assignment is to address the varying levels of knowledge and skill building that occur during these vital conversations.

Part I: Standards-Based Questions

Select one K-8 grade level and identify two American history standards for your state. Complete the "American History Questions Chart" by developing a lesson outline that includes standards-based questions that promote

Part II: Rationale

Write a 250 to 500 word rationale explaining how the questions you have developed model and teach respectful communication skills within standards-based social studies instruction. How do the questions increase students' critical thinking and depth of knowledge? Why it is important to pre-plan critical thinking questions?

The response should include a reference list. Using double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Address the varying levels of knowledge and skill building
Reference No:- TGS03127637

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