
Address the potential need for your product or service

Assignment Problem: Sales Pitch:

Heading: Hello and welcome to my channel!

Hi, my name is Divya Chovatiya, and I am so glad that you are here! Because to me that means you are ready to take charge of your health, and nothing excites me more than helping people like you women, men and children do just that.

How I do that? Is by empowering you to make easy lifestyle changes like using food as medicine, reducing stress, and moving and harmony with your body. Health information is really easy to combine these days. I believe that true success requires a sustainable strategy that is unique to you.

I help you ignite your health intuition so you can rely on your inner knowing. This will empower you to always make the right choices for your body your health and ultimately your whole life. Your body holds the wisdom of what is right for you, and I help to listen to it.

Please come join me. Sign up for the mailing list and receive free gift and I invite you to explore the website and contact me. I would love to hear from you.


1. Target market? And firmographic details. Explain who the general prospect is (potential decision-makers who would view your video pitch) and why you are targeting them. Address the potential need for your product or service.

2. A strategic hook statement or question about the problem your audience may have and share eye-opening statistics.

3. A value proposition is the explicit or implicit promise made by a company to its customers that it will deliver a particular bundle of value-creating benefits (both intrinsic and extrinsic). Share a very clear, concise statement of value. Be action-oriented and outcome-focused. Answer the why from your problem statement.

4. Provide product or service features, their related advantages, and intrinsic benefits (from the features).

Select the features that highlight unique differences and clearly explain what you do.

You want 2-3 clear FAB statements related to specific features.

5. List potential objections and counter them with your proof points. Provide clear reference examples and list recognizable achievements. Share industry validation and awards.  Share customer examples and successes. Tell emotional and personalized customer stories. Make it real and tangible.

6. Provide a clear call to action - a simple command directing customers to take action (buy, start a free trial, sign up for our mailing list). Explain how they can do this (i.e. phone number, website address, e-mail, etc.).

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Marketing Management: Address the potential need for your product or service
Reference No:- TGS03216206

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