Address primary prevention topics for selected age group


Select an age group (infants, toddlers, child, teens, adults, or senior adults) and address two primary prevention topics for the selected age group. Your initial post should include brief health promotion education related to the topic. Each topic should be one solid paragraph and include a minimum of one reference. An example follows for healthy sleep for children (5-12 years): Sleep is an important component in promoting good health in children. Healthy sleep patterns lead to improved attention, learning, memory, and physical health. Adequate sleep can help prevent conditions and diseases such as behavioral issues, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Preschoolers should sleep approximately 9-12 hours during a 24-hour time period, including naps (Paruthi et al., 2016). Suggestions to promote healthy sleep patterns for children include a consistent sleep schedule for their naps and nighttime and maintaining a regular bedtime routine in the room where they sleep, such as a time for reading. Children should sleep in the same environment each night. The rooms they sleep in should be cool, quiet, and without a television (Pacheco, 2022).

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