Address ethical issue associated with practice of nursing

Assignment Task:

Ethical Issue PowerPoint Presentation

The ethical issues presentation will address an ethical issue associated with the practice of nursing. The issue selected for discussion should have clearly identifiable pros and cons that, when analyzed, will allow the student to form a defensible position related to the issue. Principles from identified codes of ethics should be examined in relation to the issue and position. The PowerPoint presentation should have from 12 to15 slides without counting reference and title pages

 The student should address the following:

1. Define the scope of the ethical issue.

2. Examine the scope of the issue as it relates to nursing and principles identified in codes of ethics.

3. Identify at least 2 positions taken on this issue by scholarly experts in the ethics discipline.

4. Explore the future for the issue as it relates to nursing practice.

Possible Topics for Ethical Issues Presentation

  • In vitro fertilization
  • Surrogate mothers Donor eggs for profit Selecting sex of offspring
  • Uses for extra embryos from in vitro fertilization Childbearing after menopause
  • Condom distribution in highs schools
  • Elective abortion
  • Use of monies to fund abortion for the indigent Abortion without parental consent for adolescents Transplantation of fetal tissue
  • Mandatory HIV testing for all pregnant women
  • Child abuse charges for knowingly exposing fetus to harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and environmental teratogens
  • Aggressive management of very premature, very low-birth weight babies
  • Blind testing newborns for HIV infections
  • Short hospital stay post-mastectomy or other radical surgery Prophylactic surgery as a means of preventing reproductive cancers
  • Hormone replacement therapy post-menopause Assisted suicide
  • Organ donation
  • End-of-life issues such as living wills, power of attorney, do-not- resuscitate orders
  • Stem cell research
  • Other topics as approved by faculty

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Reference No:- TGS03430642

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