
Address any issues which are identified


The problem starts with us bringing in a new Administration system to a book company to assist with growth. I am now up to a system analysis section of the assessment and have gotten to this question:

Whilst conducting monitoring activities of different aspects of the new system you have identified that file naming for files stored in the new system are not consistent, making it difficult for staff to locate specific information when needed.

You have also identified that since the new system has been implemented there have been less enquires from other departments on where to access forms and templates. Teams are now uploading documents directly into the system which is saving considerable time by the administration team to follow up and secure these documents which is enabling other tasks to be met according to specified timelines.

To ensure that the new system is meeting organizational requirements you need to monitor and address any issues which are identified. a report needs to be completed titled system monitoring report. When completing your report, you need to address the issue above and create the process for staff to follow which details the naming convention to be used for all files stored in the administrative system. Include an example for staff to use.

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Business Management: Address any issues which are identified
Reference No:- TGS03353886

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