
Additional history reveals that she also had several

1. Your patient is a 20-year old woman with the sudden onset offever to 104 degrees and a severe headache. Physical examiniationreveals nuchal rigidity. You suspect meningitis and do a spinaltap. Gram stain of the spinal fluid reveals many neutrophils andmany gram-negative diplococci. Of the following baccteria, whichone is MOST likely to be the cause>
a.) haemophilius influenzae
b.) Neisseria meningitidis
c.) Streptococcus pneumoniae
d.) pseudomonas aeruginosa

2. Additional history reveals that she also had several seriousinfections with this organism previously. On the basis of this,which one of the following is MOST likely predisposingfactor?
a.) she is HIV antibody positive
b.)she is deficient in CD8-positive T cells
c.)she is deficient in one of the late-acting complementcomponents
d.) she is deficient in antigen presentation by hermacrophages

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Biology: Additional history reveals that she also had several
Reference No:- TGS0800314

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