
Add a wipe effect between two shots in the shut the door

Billboard objects, which were discussed in Chapter 6, can be used in Alice to create curtains for fade effects and wipes. An image of a black rectangle, for example, could be used to fade to black, or fade from black. The opacity property of a billboard can be changed to achieve a fade effect, or a billboard can be moved in front of the camera to achieve a wipe effect. Using a drawing or painting program, create a black rectangle and then use the saved rectangle to do the following:

a. Add opening and closing fade from black and fade to black effects to a copy of Alices lake Skater example world. Save the finished world as a movie file.

b. Add a wipe effect between two shots in the Shut the Door complete Nice world that resulted from Tutorial 9D. A copy of the world is included with the student data files for this book

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Basic Computer Science: Add a wipe effect between two shots in the shut the door
Reference No:- TGS01487984

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