
Add a refuel method that expects two parameters fuel

To the class Vehicle, add a refuel method that expects two parameters, fuel Quantity and milesSince Last Fueling. Also add instance variables to the Vehicle class for total Mileage and total Fuel Consumed. Further, add an access or method called fuel Economy that will return the total miles per gallon of the vehicle.

What will you do to make the refuel method work properly when invoked on an instance of Skateboard? Write a test class called Many Vehicles that creates a variety of different Vehicles, exercises all the methods you have created, and checks for proper execution. Try to set the speed of a Skateboard to 60, for example, or to refuel a Skateboard. Check that the fuel economy calculations are being performed correctly.

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Software Engineering: Add a refuel method that expects two parameters fuel
Reference No:- TGS01187302

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