
add a byte number from one memory location to a

Add a byte number from one memory location to a byte from subsequent memory location and put sum in the third memory location. Also save carry flag in the least significant bit of fourth memory location. 

; ABSTRACT                         : This program adds 2-8-bit words in the memory locations

;                                               : NUM1 and NUM2. The result is stored in the memory 

;                                               : location RESULT. The carry bit, if any will be stored as 

;                                               : 0000 0001 in the location CARRY



;                       get NUM1

;                       add NUM2 in it

;                       put sum into memory location RESULT

;                       rotate carry in LSB of byte

;                       Mask off upper seven bits of byte

;                       store the result in the CARRY location.


; PORTS:                     None used

; PROCEDURES:      None used

; REGISTERS:           Uses CS, DS, AX



NUM1                         DB                  25h                  ; First number

 NUM2                        DB                  80h                  ; Second number

 RESULT                    DB                  ? ; Put sum here

 CARRY                     DB



                        ASSUME CS: CODE, DS: DATA

START: MOV AX, DATA                ; Initialise data segment

MOV DS, AX                        ; register using AX

            MOV AL, NUM1                   ; Load the first number in AL

            ADD AL, NUM2                   ; Add 2ndnumber in AL

MOV RESULT, AL  ; Store the result

               RCL AL, 01                         ; rotate carry into LSB

               AND AL, 00000001B         ; Mask out all but LSB

               MOV CARRY, AL             ; Store the carry result

            MOV AH, 4CH

               INT 21H




RCL instruction brings carry in the least significant bit position of AL register. AND instruction is employed for masking higher order bits of the carry now in AL.

In the same way we can also write applications employing other shift instructions.

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Computer Engineering: add a byte number from one memory location to a
Reference No:- TGS0327973

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