Acx702 communication research methods - research proposal -

Research Proposal

Need it as per the guidelines. The topic is Narendra modi twitter campaign for his success in 2014 elections

Question: Write a comprehensive research proposal for a media and communication-related research study you would like to undertake using Chapters 3 & 5 in the textbook as a guide.

This assignment relates to the unit content covered under Topics 1 to 11.

This proposal should include the following sections.

Title (Indicates what your study is about. Generally 25 words maximum, but a 10 maximum may be specified in certain situations), byline (name & affiliation of author - that is yourself and Deakin University), abstract (a summary of the project in 100 words maximum), the introduction (includes the rationale/heuristic value of the study, a statement of the problem/research questions/hypotheses), (Hint: Provide two research questions or two hypotheses your study would like to examine), the epistemolotv/ies and theoretical perspective/s used, the covering law/s that may be applicable, a literature review (using at least five (5) primary and five (5) secondary sources), the proposed method's of data collection, (indicating the population, sample/s, sampling method's to be used, types of variables, their relationships to be examined, type of measurements and operational definitions are used with the proposed interview questions/survey instrument/coding manual etc. as relevant to the method used), budget (a list of estimated items you may require that cost money (exact figures of estimated costs is not required), list the ethical issues involved and what precautions should be made to protect the research subjects/participants.

Provide a list of references at the end of the proposal, prepared according to the Harvard system of referencing.

(Sections a) to t) listed in the question for Assignment I can serve as a guideline when addressing all areas that need to be included in this proposal.)

The relevant proposed interview questions/survey instrument/coding manual etc. may be provided as appendices, and will not be counted towards the word limit.

The terms given above in bold can be used as the headings in your research proposal.

You only need to propose one method of data collection (either depth interviews, focus groups, a participant observation/field study, a survey, a content analysis, a case study) and attach the proposed data collection instrument such as the questionnaire, coding manual, list of interview /focus group questions etc. as an appendix). Indicate what other methods can be proposed if methodological triangulation was to be applied to this study. (Not necessary to submit questionnaires, coding instruments, list of interview questions etc. for these additional methods). Indicate the known limitations or shortcomings of your study (related to validity, reliability, generalisability etc.) and how best they can be minimised.

You may use a research area related to (but not the exact same research questions), utilized in the study examined in your selected article from your Assignment 1 and use some or all of the readings you used in its literature review if applicable, without penalty. However make sure you use them in this assignment only if directly relevant to this research topic as well. You may also use any of the assigned readings from this unit in your proposal and reference list, but they should not be counted towards the ten scholarly (at least five primary) sources required for your literature review.

Please check with your lecturer about the suitability of your research topic and method before starting on this assignment. Please note that your selected topic should be related to media and communication.

Hints: Work on the following exercises from the Study Guide to help you with this assignment. The specific exercises relevant to your proposal will largely depend on your project and the research method/s proposed. However, each of these exercises will help you better understand the subject matter under each topic and should be attempted as you were doing the readings each week, anyway.

Topic 1- Exercises 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 (p. 8).
Topic 2- Exercises 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9.
Topic 3- Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Topic 4- Exercise 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.
Topic 5- Exercise 1. Topic 6- Exercises 1. Topic 7- Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 8.
Topic 8- Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. Topic 9-
Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. Topic 10-
Exercises 1, 2, 3 & 4.
Topic 11- Exercises 1, 2, 3, & 4.

The minimum word length accepted will be 4000 words and the maximum is 5000. Readings 4.1 (Quantitative) and 4.2 (Qualitative) from the e-Reader can be used as examples of how a scholarly research project is reported. Note that a research proposal does not include the results/findings, discussions and conclusions sections.

Assignment Preparation

The work you submit has to be the result of your own research, thinking and analysis. You will, of course, usually have a range of assigned and other readings, books, journal articles etc. on which to draw. Use of this existing material is encouraged. However, no book or article will have been written to answer the specific question set for your assignment. Thus, lengthy quotations from one source are not likely to be of great benefit to you, and should be avoided.
Feel free to seek help from the teaching staff any time during the trimester to help you understand difficult concepts and during assignment preparation. There will be no penalties imposed on your marks for receiving help from staff

You must acknowledge the sources that you have drawn on. This is a necessary courtesy to the original authors, and also allows the readers of your work to follow up any points you have raised.

If you directly copy another writer's phrase, sentence or paragraph, then you should use quotation marks and note the source of the quote by authors' last name, year of publication and page number/s such as (Fiske, 1990; p. 18) within the body of the essay. If you use another writer's ideas, but not his or her exact words (called paraphrasing), you should again note the source by author's last name, year of publication such as (Fiske, 1990) within the body of the essay. Failure to do so can result in accusations of plagiarism.

There are a number of ways by which you can refer to other peoples work. For the purpose of this unit, please follow the Harvard author-date system of referencing (posted on CLOUDDEAKIN). This system of referencing does not use footnotes and is the one most often used in communication studies related academic books, journals and other literature.

The reference list at the end of the essay and printed on a new page, should include full citations of all sources consulted for the essay and all these sources should appear in the body of the essay (e.g. Fiske, 1996 etc.) wherever a reference to someone's work is made, instead of footnotes. This referencing method, like all methods, involves noting the author's name, the title of the article and journal, or book, the year of publication, the journal's volume number, the book publisher's name and location, and the relevant page numbers.

NOTE: When referencing an article from the unit's Reader, please provide the original reference of the article as it appears under the heading of the article in the e-Reader such as "Ruben, B D & Stewart, L P 1998, Communication and human behavior, 4thedn, Allyn & Bacon, Boston." rather than "Reading 1.1 - Reader - ACX410/ACX702, Deakin University" etc.

It is dishonest and unethical to use other people's work (including that of fellow students and from the Internet) and not acknowledge that use. This practice, called plagiarism, is unacceptable. You will be penalised for any work, which are sufficiently proved as plagiarised. Depending on the extent of the plagiarism, you may receive no marks for the assignment, or may be failed in the unit concerned.

Note that you are free to obtain facts, figures, ideas and arguments from any source, including the Internet, provided you acknowledge all your sources within the body of the essay as well as in the reference list.

I attached the sample work of 2014 for format and other stuffs, don't copy from that sample plz, we need to submit it on turnitin.

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