
Actually discussing the current state and future plans of


Select a local business (Or, a national business with a major IT presence in the area). Research it's history. Decide what its most pressing problems have been where it either solved it creatively by implementing a DSS or where it could have solved it more effectively by implementing a DSS. Consider what problems it has right now, and whether or not there are any categories (You do not need to recommend a specific product, but a category) of DSS that you feel would be most effective for solving that problem. It's possible that the answer to this last question is 'No', but you'll need some justification for that answer. Finally, consider how data and information flow through the company, and model a quick analysis in whatever standardized format you prefer (whether it's UML, modeled as a Data Warehouse, or if you can represent it as a Gantt chart, etc). This last point is purposefully open-ended, since being more specific may make it harder to apply to difference companies. Do your best to associate it with the company's decision systems integration, because that's the point, but don't force it if it won't work right.

Your submission should be about 6-8 pages. Be sure that you've a) given a rundown on the company, b) Described problems in the past and their associated DSS solutions, c) its problems in the future and their associated DSS solutions, and d) included and explained your model of the company.

Remember that the best research is primary research. Actually discussing the current state and future plans of the company with a representative of the company (knowledgeable, and in a position that would warrant the reliability of the information) is the hallmark of an excellent submission. Granted, not every company will have the time or interest in discussing their status with you, but many groups in the past have had substantial success with presenting themselves as UNTD students conducting research for a paper. It might also help to go as a group with other students researching the same company or a company in the same industry.

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Management Information Sys: Actually discussing the current state and future plans of
Reference No:- TGS02529842

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