
Activity time weeks cost thousands time weeks cost

Activity Time (weeks) Cost (thousands) Time (weeks) Cost (thousands)

1-2City Center 3 6 5 4

1-3 City northeast 1 5 5 3

2-4 City South 5 7 10 4

3-4 City Southeast 2 6 7 4

2-6 City West 2 5 6 3

4-6 County East 5 9 11 6

4-5 County North 4 6 6 3

6-7 County South 1 4 5 2

5-7 County West 1 5 4 2

A) Find the all-normal schedule and cost

B) Find the all-crash Schedule and cost

C) Find the total cost required to expedite all activities from all-normal (case a) to all-crash (case b).

D Find the least cost plan for the all-crass time schedule. Start from the all-crash problem (b). Assume partial crashing.

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Financial Management: Activity time weeks cost thousands time weeks cost
Reference No:- TGS01256305

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