
activity 1-1 stakeholder influences and

Activity 1-1: Stakeholder Influences and Interconnections

Part A: Reflective Journal-Stakeholder Diagram

  • Stakeholder Diagram: Complete a primary and secondary stakeholders diagram of an organization with which you are familiar, for example, your church or other faith-based organization, a community group, professional association, or your place of work.

Part B: Reflective Journal-Revisiting the Stakeholder Diagram

  • Stakeholders Diagram: Having done the reading in Business and Society, go back to the diagram you created identifying primary and secondary shareholders, and reflect again on the organization you selected. Look back at your diagram and ask yourself if there are other stakeholders that you omitted in your first consideration of stakeholder relationships. Be specific in naming stakeholders, so that the content of this diagram is not abstract for you. Add more circles and arrows if necessary, and differentiate between primary and secondary shareholders or direct and indirect influences.

Are there interrelationships between primary and secondary stakeholders that you omitted the first time you drew arrows connecting the stakeholders? Go back to the diagram that you created and spend enough time to really identify and consider the larger networks of influence and interconnections there are among stakeholders.

Activity 1-2: Circles of Reflection on Macroenvironmental (Dynamic) Forces

Part A: Reflective Journal-Globalization

  • Briefly describe what globalization means to you, to your company or organization, and to Canada using the principles of the Circle of Reflection. List influences that you believe it will have (or is already having) on stakeholders that you identify, and describe whether these may be positive or negative influences (or both).
  • McElwee does not seem to look beyond the influence on his country, but what about the influence of globalization on stakeholders in other countries? Is this something that concerns you? Briefly explain your answer.

Remember to cite your references (i.e., the articles on globalization). You may find this information useful in later activities or assignments.

Activity 1-3: Government's Influence on Industry and Public Health

Part B: Reflective Journal-Regulation of Food Product and Supply

Describe the purpose of government involvement in regulation of food products and food supply by discussing specific ways that government policies or initiatives may help protect, promote, support, and hinder industry. In the case of the latter, whose interests do you think the government is representing (stakeholders outside of the industry)? Use examples from the BSE industry, or other food industry issues that you have read about in the popular press. Remember to cite your references.

Activity 1-4: Critically Assessing Media Information

Part A: Reflective Journal-Media Perspectives

  • Review recent newspapers or magazines and look for one example of an article that appears to present information from the perspective of a business and one example of an article that presents information from a government perspective. Do these articles also present other perspectives? Briefly describe why you think these articles are or are not fair and balanced in their reporting. You should refer back to the CARS Checklist and use the checklist in your assessment.

Part B: Online Discussion

Choose a topic relevant to Module 1: Stakeholder Interrelationships for posting to the online discussion forum on WebCT. This may derived from an entry you made in your reflective journal as you worked through the activities in Module 1, or another area of interest to you.


Activity 2-1: Ethical Decision Making

Part A: Reflective Journal-Ethical Practices

Briefly answer the following questions:

In "The Parable of the Sadhu," the group faced decision-making challenges due to conflicting ethics. Have you witnessed an experience where one person in an organization did not share the same ethics as others in the group? How was the situation handled? What role did leaders play in this ethical situation?

Activity 2-3: Workplace Ethics, Perceptions, and Safeguards

Part A: Reflective Journal-Ethics in the Workplace

  • Briefly answer the following:

List programs, systems, safeguards, or other ways that organizations help foster ethical behaviour in the workplace. Comment on your preferences. Refer back to readings for this activity and reflect on your own experiences with business and workplace ethics for ideas.

Sample answer:

Organizations can foster an ethical climate through managements' actions and treatment of employees and through programs and policies that encourage an ethical corporate culture.

Management should not ignore ethical transgressions, because it weakens ethical standards and indicates that ethics are not truly important within the organization.

Organizations can openly promote ethics in the workplace and provide training to staff on ethical standards and application of ethics in decision-making.

Organizations can develop formal ethical standards and/or codes of ethics.

Organizations can develop ethics committees, ethics offices, and/or ethical hotlines.

Organizations can conduct regular audits or evaluation of the standard of ethics and adherence to standards among staff and management (as well as among suppliers, contractors, and other organizations with which they have significant professional relationships).

Organizations can train and develop a culture of ethics. This requires a culture in which employees do not simply comply with standards or rules but embrace the integrity of their organization's ethical practices.

Activity 2-4: The Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility

Part B: Reflective Journal-Gap Inc.

  • While the discussion case indicates that Gap Inc. demonstrated reporting transparency by releasing negative findings in their Social Responsibility Report, they also took steps to demonstrate they are making efforts to improve. What might be the reason for taking this approach?
  • List and briefly describe the four key areas Gap Inc. identifies as its focus for CSR (Hint: See the four sub-headings on their Social Responsibility webpage).
  • Why do you think Gap Inc. is addressing these four areas of social responsibility? (Hint: Look back at the chapters and the discussions of the drivers and benefits of CSR.) Do you think that Gap Inc. is displaying enlightened-self interest? What might be some of the costs and benefits of these CSR commitments?

From your brief review of Gap Inc.'s website information on their Social Responsibility initiatives, in your opinion are they disclosing any weaknesses in their CSR program or is this information largely promotional or positive in terms of information it reveals? Defend your answer with examples from the website. You may also choose to draw on other information about Gap Inc. to support your argument. Remember to cite your sources.

Activity 2-5: Public-Private Partnerships

Part B: Reflective Journal-Perspectives on Partnerships

Review the article listed above, or another article or news story on public-private partnerships. Drawing on your own experience, discuss some of the pros and cons of these types of relationships. Identify stakeholder groups, including those from the community, and discuss how their opinions vary on this issue. Identify what may be influencing these opinions. Use the circles of reflection to consider what perspectives you think may influence these stakeholders.

Part C: Online Discussion

Choose a topic relevant to Module 2: Ethics and Social Responsibility Continuum for posting to the online discussion forum on WebCT. This may derived from an entry you made in your reflective journal as you worked through the activities in Module 2, or another area of interest to you.

Module 3

Activity 3-1: Introduction to Global Business Challenges

Part B: Reflective Journal-The Diamond Industry

  • Describe economic, social, ethical and environmental issues associated with the diamond industry.
  • For the issues listed above, list stakeholder groups associated with these issues in the diamond industry
  • Describe what you perceive to be the motivation for 74 diamond-producing countries and DeBeers to endorse the Kimberley Process?

Not all diamond companies have committed to the Kimberley Process. What are the ethical implications of this?

Activity 3-3: Striving for Sustainable Business Development

Part B: Reflective Journal-Interface, Inc.

  • List or chart at least six ways Interface, Inc. is integrating sustainable development into its business strategy and operations. Don't forget to look for social initiatives as well as environmental and economic programs, policies, and initiatives.
  • Identify what you think is motivating Interface, Inc. to identify sustainable development as part of its vision and goals. Do you think these are serious initiatives, or is this a public relations strategy?
  • Would you say Interface, Inc. is growing or developing, or both? Explain your answer.

Comment on the role of staff and leadership at Interface in motivating and driving improvements in their strategic business initiatives and progression toward their sustainability goals.

Activity 3-4: Stakeholder Viewpoints on Carbon Taxes and Cap and Trade

Part B: Reflective Journal-Cap and Trade and Carbon Tax Strategies

  • Explain the difference between carbon taxes and cap and trade systems.
  • List places in which one or both of these strategies has been implemented and describe its impact. (Remember to cite your sources).
  • Comment on the pros and cons of each of the two strategies.

List at least two stakeholder groups that might have different perspectives on the pros and cons you have listed above, and explain why.

Activity 3-5: Technology's Influence on Stakeholders and Society

Part B: Reflective Journal-Influence of Technology

  • In your journal, describe three recent technological initiatives that directly affect your daily life and/or lifestyle.
  • How have these technologies influenced your life or required (or inspired) you to change. Do you think this influence (or change) is beneficial or detrimental to your wellbeing? Explain your answer.
  • Do these technologies influence other stakeholders with whom you interact (at work, home, or in the community)? Briefly explain why and/or why not?

Do you have ethical concerns regarding these technologies? Defend your answer.

Activity 3-6: The Ethics of E-business

Part B: Reflective Journal-Uses and Abuses

  • According to the information presented in Chapters 12 and 13 in Business and Society, the Internet affects society both positively and negatively. In your opinion, what is greater-the benefits from the Internet or the damage caused to society by the Internet? Explain your answer.
  • Many businesses collect information on customers' lifestyles and purchasing preferences, and well as financial information about customers or clients. Is it appropriate for organizations to share profiles of customers or clients (with other organizations) without the knowledge or approval of those customers? Defend your answer and identify your stakeholder perspective (i.e., are you involved in the business of e-commerce or Internet-based marketing, are you a consumer, or both?).
  • Given the prevalence of social networking websites, such as Facebook, how do you think these public forums and communities can be used or abused to gather market intelligence or information on potential customers, employees, or business associates?
  • Review recent newspapers or magazines and look for one example of an article that appears to present information from the perspective of a business and one example of an article that presents information from a government perspective. Do these articles also present other perspectives? Briefly describe why you think these articles are or are not fair and balanced in their reporting. You should refer back to the CARS Checklist and use the checklist in your assessment.Part C: Online Discussion
    Choose a topic relevant to Module 3: Broad Forces in Global Society for posting to the online discussion forum on WebCT. This may derived from an entry you made in your reflective journal as you worked through the activities in Module 3, or another area of interest to you.


Activity 4-1: Governance in Canadian Business

Part B: Reflective Journal: Governance Issues

• Find two articles in a newspaper or magazine, such as the Globe and Mail, the National Post,MacLean's magazine, or Canadian Business, that describe corporate governance activities of a publicly trading company. Choose a company that trades on a Canadian stock exchange or has corporate offices in Canada. Hint: If you do not have access to hard copies, use google.ca or another Internet search engine to find the corporate websites of the newspaper or magazine you choose.

• Based on your research, describe the governance issue or issues.

• List ways the company tried to improve its corporate governance or recommend way(s) in which you think the company should improve.

• In your opinion, what is the most important or significant governance initiative that this company can undertake? Explain your answer by discussing the impact of this initiative on the stakeholders of the company.

Is there any indication of efforts to increase transparency of reporting and communications at the company in the articles you read? Alternatively, are there any indications that the company is avoiding transparency and/or accountability? Explain your answer.

Activity 4-2: Consumer Protection and Genetically Modified Foods (GMFs)

Part B: Reflective Journal-The GMF Debate

• Create a chart, paragraph, or diagram with the following information:

List or diagram stakeholders and stakeholder groups involved in the GMF debate in Canada
For each stakeholder, briefly describe their role and influence in this consumer protection issue.

• Write several short paragraphs addressing the following:

Describe the consumer protection concerns over GMFs and express your own opinion on this issue in terms of whether or not you regard it as an important consumer issue.

In your answer consider whether you believe products containing GMOs should have this information presented on the product labeling, and/or whether there should be a warning label indicating the potential dangers of GMFs. Defend your answer.

Briefly describe how activist groups influence the GMF consumer protection debate in Canada and comment on their influence on both consumers and the government. Defend your opinion on whether this stakeholder group's role is a benefit or a hindrance to consumer protection issues.

Activity 4-3: The Story of Stuff

Part B: Reflective Journal-Stuff

• List the various stakeholders involved or influenced by our desire for "stuff."
• Describe the real or potential positive and negative impacts of "the corporation's" activities as presented in this video.
• Pick a product that you can see near you at this time (such as your computer, paper, the chair you're sitting on, or the cup of coffee you are drinking). Create a diagram or map of the potential stakeholders involved in bringing this product to you, from the raw materials (extraction) through to delivery at the store in which you made the purchase. Comment on the influence you are having on some of these stakeholders because of the collective power you exert as a consumer.
Comment on the messages and opinions presented in the video. Was there anything that was new to you? Was there any information that you do not believe or perspectives with which you disagree? What information or commentary did you find most interesting, and why?

Activity 4-4: Internet Use in the Workplace

Part B: Reflective Journal-Personal Use of Telephones and Internet

Write a few short paragraphs describing your perspectives on personal use of telephones and the Internet in the workplace:

• Do you think it is the right of organizations to monitor employee use of the Internet and telephones for personal use? In your answer, consider that some employees may make use of the Internet on their coffee or lunch breaks. Do you think this is acceptable? Also, do you think the nature of the communications should influence the employment policies, rights, and restrictions? (For example, perhaps personal emails are permitted but not web-surfing.) Defend your position.
Identify the stakeholder perspective or perspectives that you represented above. Was it that of an employee, manager, owner, or other? How might your stakeholder perspective(s) have influenced your answer? Reflect back on the question from another stakeholder's perspective. Comment briefly.

Activity 4-5: Diversity and Equal Opportunity in the Workplace

Part B: Reflective Journal-Workplace Equity Issues
In a couple of short paragraphs, comment on the following with regard to your own experiences with workplace equity issues.
• Consider your own place of work or an organization with which you are familiar. Are you aware of any inequities? If so, describe what you know or believe to be the cause of these inequities. If not, explain why you think inequities do not appear to be a problem in this workplace.
• Do you think workplace equity is important? Explain your answer, giving reasons (including your opinion on the benefits and/or costs).
• Reflect back on your answers above. Do you think your own race, gender, age, life experiences or circumstances are affecting your perspective on what you observe with regard to workplace equity issues? Explain your answer.
Part C: Online Discussion
Choose a topic relevant to Module 4: Internal Forces and Stakeholders (Internal "Circle of Influence") for posting to the online discussion forum on WebCT. This may derived from an entry you made in your reflective journal as you worked through the activities in Module 4, or another area of interest to you.

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Business Economics: activity 1-1 stakeholder influences and
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