
Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote

1. Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.

2. Never treat people as a means to an end, but always as an end in themselves.

3. Humans are rational beings empowered by reason to perceive the workings of nature, determine the natural inclinations of humans, and recognize the implications therein for morally permissible actions.

4. Each person has an equal right to basic liberties, and any social or economic equalities should be arrranged so that they benefit the least advanted, or are attached to offices and positions that are open to all.

5. The development of good character is the key to moral life, for it is from character that moral conduct and values arise.

A. Rawl's Contract Theory of Justice

B. Virtue ethics

C. Kantian ethics

D. Utilitarianism

E. Natural Law Theory

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