
Action-orientated-people oriented-cerebral oriented roles

Question 1:

(a) Leaders must have the capability to influence people in order to acquire their voluntary participation in the accomplishment of organisational goals. Their capability to influence their followers will be gained from different sources in the organisation. Describe this statement with reference to the dissimilar sources of power that a leader may have.

(b) Discuss the growing significance of using teams in an organisation in order to improve performance.

Question 2:

Using any one situational theory of leadership, describe the significance of situational factors in determining leadership behaviours.

Question 3:

Change has become a prominent feature in today’s business organisations. In this context, clarify the role of leaders in implementing change in organisation.

Question 4:

Describe the different stages in team formation and how you can use the concept in developing effective teams in organisation.

Question 5:

(a) Make a distinction between action-orientated, people-oriented and cerebral-oriented roles in a team as stated by Belbin.

(b) describe all the nine team roles as stated by Belbin.

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Other Management: Action-orientated-people oriented-cerebral oriented roles
Reference No:- TGS06260

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