
Act stands for advanced cow technology because of the

1. On February 2, 1997, every newpaper in the world announced a lamb named Dolly had been created by cloning. T F

2. ACT stands for advanced cow technology. T F

3. Adult stem cells were discovered in 2001. T F

4. Because of the Brownbeck Bill , a total ban on cloning was pushed, including embryonic cloning. T F

5. Hwang Woo Suk went on trial for his fraudulent claims about cloning. T F

6. Nancy Pelosi supported Bush's veto of expanding federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. T F

7. The Obama Admistration also supported Bush's policies. T F

8. For Thoma Aquinas, in the 13th century, ensoulment occured 40 days for female fetuses and at 90 days for male ones. T F

9. Many scientists believe that before 21 days a fetus cannot feel pain and has no human form. T F

10. Philosopher Bonnie Steinbock argues that to be a being with moral status, that being must have interests. T F

11. Father Richard McCormick does not assert that human embryos are persons, but we must treat them as if they were since we do not know when personhood begins. T F

12. The creation of the IPSC's means that we can get the valuable stem cells we need for research without destroying human embryos. T F

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