
Acquired knowledge of photonic principles

Question: Based on the acquired knowledge of photonic principles, students are expected to do their own research in the field of photonics and submit a written engineering design project at the time of the final examination. The paper should to be written in a standard scientific publication form (including abstract) and contain 10 pages of relevant information needed to construct an original photonic device.

You can choose one topic from those listed below, modify it, or create your own project based on the principles of photonics and/or opto-electronics (i.e., it should employ light in the visible, near IR, or UV region). Standard electronic devices (amplifiers, power sources, ADCs, etc.) may be presented in a block diagram form only, however, light sources, opto-electronic and photonic components should be described fully, i.e., detailed diagrams, specifications, functional ranges, and dimensions, including the theoretical equations and supporting calculations of the expected performance.

Think of the project as of your own proposal to get a patent for the photonic device. At a minimum of 15 reference required with APA style.

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Other Engineering: Acquired knowledge of photonic principles
Reference No:- TGS01238171

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