
Acoustic velocity of a compressible fluid flow

1) Deduce an expression for the acoustic velocity of a compressible fluid flow in terms of its Temperature.

2)  An aircraft flies at 800km/hr at an altitude of 10,000 meters (T=223 K, P=0.264 bar). The air is reversibly compressed in an inlet diffuser. If the mach number at the exit of the diffuser is 0.36 determine

a) Entry Mach number.

b) Velocity at diffuser exit.

c) Pressure of air diffuser exit.

d) Temperature of air diffuser exit.

3) Air is discharged from a receiver at Pº = 6.91 bar and T° = 325°C through a nozzle to an exit Pressure of 0.98 bar. If the flow rate is 3600 kg/hr. Find for isentropic flow

a) Area, pressure and velocity at the throat

b) Area and mach number at exit.

c) Maximum possible velocity.

4) A conical air diffuser has an inlet area of 0.16 m² and an exit area of 0.44²MPa, static temperature of 37°C and velocity of 267 m/s. Find Air enters the Diffuser with a static pressure of 0.18

a) The mass flow rate of air through the diffuser

b) The mach number, static temperature and static pressure of the air Leaving diffuser.

c) The net thrust acting upon the diffuser due to diffusion.

5) Air enters a combustion chamber with certain Mach number. Sufficient heat is added to obtain a stagnation temperature ratio of 3 and a final mach number of 0.8. Find Mach number at entry and the percentage loss in static pressure. Take γ = 1.4 and C p =1.005KJ/KgK.

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Mechanical Engineering: Acoustic velocity of a compressible fluid flow
Reference No:- TGS013452

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