The U.S. Health Care System
The health reform law of 2010 authorizes Medicare, beginning next year, to contract with accountable care organizations (ACOs) in a Medicare Shared Savings Program. ACOs provide financial incentives to improve the coordination and quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries, while reducing costs. But providers have raised red flags, saying the arrangements are burdensome and too hard to achieve. This briefing addresses questions raised by the law and the subsequent regulation implementing ACOs.
This article reviews the Clinton Health Plan lack of public support.
Blendon, R. J., Brodie, M., & Benson, J. (1995). What happened to Americans' support for the Clinton health plan? Health Affairs, 14(2), 7-23.
Online manual: American Hospital Association. (n.d.).
Legislative Manual. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from manual.pdf
What have you learned that clarifies the positions and tools used by the various stakeholder groups to impact Health Care reform legislation?