
Acknowledging diverse perspectives

Task: Diverse perspectives

1). In a team agreement or charter, how do you indicate that you've acknowledged diverse perspectives?

2). What mechanism could be used to accommodate changes in a team, if necessary? What might precipitate a change in a team?

3). Leadership in History: Are certain group dynamics more conducive to certain leadership styles?

Relate one or more of the following historical figures to one of the theories of leadership in your readings this week. Discuss what sort of power that leader wielded and to what type of group/team the historical figure lent leadership. You can select someone other than those included in the list, if you like, including famous figures in the world today.

1) Winston Churchill
2) Adolph Hitler
3) Mohandas Gandhi
4) Nelson Mandela
5) Margaret Sanger
6) Margaret Thatcher
7) The Beatles
8) Oprah Winfrey
9) Henry Ford
10) Walt Disney
11) Bill Gates
12) Sigmund Freud
13) Albert Einstein
14) Billy Graham
15) Che Guevara
16) Fidel Castro
17) Mother Theresa
18) Sam Walton
19) Mao Zhedong
20) Michael Eisner

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Other Management: Acknowledging diverse perspectives
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