
Acknowledge difficulty or doubt

Write a thoughtful response to one or more of the readings:

Project instructions:

No more than 1000 words.

Submit your written response in the Nov 05 tutorial.

How to make a written response

1 Plan. Come up with an interesting, original, solid, argument.

2 Shape your argument well. Lead the reader through:

an introduction to your argument
the body of your argument, well organised and clear
and a conclusion.

3 Write clearly and simply.

4 Discuss or present other people’s ideas as well as your own. This is important. We cannot, should not, work alone.

5 Reference those ideas generously: reference primary literature, secondary literature, exhibits, media, online resources, lecture content, class debate, conversation with a friend, every source. At the end of the paper, make a full list of sources to which you can refer to in short hand in the body of the paper. You may use the referencing style you prefer.

The writing centre offers the following guide to good referencing:


6 Work on your own ideas. WORK on them. The more you think around an issue, every angle of it, the more interesting your argument will be.

7 Acknowledge difficulty or doubt. Academic work should be honest. Not everything can be resolved simply. Some things cannot be resolved at all. The lack of a resolution does not necessarily weaken the case. Difficult issues, important ones, are often complex, subtle, unresolvable. Discuss the subtleties, every side of the matter, the difficulties.

8 Keep the response short and effective. Within the specified word limit of 1000 words, use only what you need to get your points across and keep the reader interested.

9 Look at the feedback that you receive from your reader.

10 Use that feedback in your next piece of work.

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