

Business Report Assessment Report - Authentic task 

Download a copy of the 2016 Annual Report of Ridley Ltd from the Moodle site. Using the Annual Report, prepare a report that addresses the following:

1. Provide a brief summary of the company. Include details such as industry sector, primary activities, recent performance (300 words maximum).

2. Prepare a table that outlines details of the Board of Directors. Include items such as name, gender, age, education, career history, remuneration, and any other details you think are important or interesting. Provide a brief summary of the characteristics of the Board (1,000 words maximum).

3. Ridely  follows the corporate governance recommendations of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance Council (CGC) and has several policies in place to support its corporate conduct. The external audit function is discussed throughout these recommendations.

a. Outline the key recommendations of the ASX CGC in table format. 

b. Who is RIDLEY's auditor?

c. What amount of remuneration did the auditors receive from RIDLEY during the year? 

d. Briefly discuss the role of the external audit function and how this may/may not be achieved (400 words maximum).

4. Provide a financial statement analysis of Ridley for 2016 in table format. Include the following ratios (show all workings): 

a. current ratio, 

b. Quick ratio

c. inventory turnover, 

d. Accounts receivable turnover

e. asset turnover, 

f.  debt to equity, 

g. gross profit margin, 

h. profit margin, 

i. return on assets, 

j. return on equity. 

Based on your results, make a brief comment on the liquidity, efficiency, solvency, and profitability of Ridley for 2016 (600 words maximum).

5. Four of Ridley's investors hold over 60% of the issued capital of the company. Who are these four investors? What is the significance of their ownership stake in Ridley? (300 words maximum).

6. Provide a brief comment on the overall financial health of the Ridley Ltd. (200 words maximum)

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Accounting Basics: Accy801nbspbusinessnbspreportnbspassessmentnbspreportnbsp-nb
Reference No:- TGS02240202

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