
Accounting representation-public and private sectors

Accounting Representation: Public and Private Sectors

Project description

- Please answer for each question not writing an essay

- Read the case study about City of Yorba Linda, California at page 750 in Merchant and Van der Stede (2012), Management Control Systems, Prentice Hall1. After reading the case study, answer the following questions:

1. The City of Yorba Linda uses fund accounting. What is fund accounting and what are its strengths and weaknesses as compared to standards accrual accounting for use in a municipality such as Yorba Linda?

2. Did the City of Yorba Linda expect to have a good year in fiscal year 1991-1992 How do you judge?

– Please write total word count not exceed 770 words (exclude references)

– Please use following sources as main reference for answering the question (I will attached both file).

1. Merchant and Van der Stede (2012), Management Control Systems, Prentice Hall. Chap. 17

2. Granof and Khumawala (2011), Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting. Chap. 2 p. 37-44; Chap. 11 p. 473-481.

Please be informed that there are 2 pages missing P.754-755 from “yorba_case_study” which attached separately.

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Other Subject: Accounting representation-public and private sectors
Reference No:- TGS01432235

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