
Accounting information systems and managerial accounting

Accounting information systems and how they influence managerial accounting

A properly written paper of at least 12 full pages in length with at least 12 articles cited can earn a maximum of 100%.

You are required to research and cite articles from authoritative literature. Authoritative literature includes refereed journals, Court Cases, government regulations, and professional periodical publications such as the Journal of Accountancy, Journal of Finance or other professional periodicals such as the Wall Street Journal, written in English and published in the United States. Publications from other countries are not acceptable. Foreign based journals which are published in the United States are not acceptable. Do not cite blogs, other than blogs prepared by authoritative sources, internet sources other than professional journals, magazines, or newspapers. Do not cite  Text books. Do not cite the textbook used for this course. Citing inappropriate sources will result in a 20 point per citation penalty, will be considered as “Filler to increase paper length”, and will be subtracted from your paper’s length.

Lengthy quotes, single article summaries, and tables will be deducted from your paper length.

The articles that you cite must all be less than 3 years old, (2010 – 2014) correctly cited and used to support your position. Older works can be cited for background but will not count for the minimum 15 current citations. ENSURE THAT SOURCES YOU CITE HAVE NOT BEEN SUPERCEEDED BY MORE CURRENT SOURCES. Ensure your paper is current and up to date on date of submission.

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Other Subject: Accounting information systems and managerial accounting
Reference No:- TGS01613684

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