
According to the ndt resource center independent thinkers

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Richard Cheatham

Discussion Board

I think you can have an effective team with an independent thinker, as they strive for improvement within themselves, which can cause their team members to do the same. They don't simply follow along just because they are expected to, but have a questioning attitude about things which are important to them.

According to the NDT Resource Center "Independent thinkers strengthen a team because they understand that different backgrounds and perspectives bring different ideas and solutions."

They seem to avoid conflict, which is ironic as they do have a pretext to question, which is good for a team setting. This is solidified in Romans 12:2, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (KJV).

I believe we should absolutely admit to doing wrong. 1 John 1: 9 is clear; "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (KJV). Being strong enough to admit our wrongdoings shows our true character as a person. "The matter of accountability calls for one to take responsibility for one's attitudes and actions" (Tillman, 1988, p. 26). By not doing so can only further define us in a negative light.

I believe a mistake of the mind is a choice made knowing there could be consequences. These are typically based off one's principles, and "while principles point a person in the right direction, they do not always give specific guidance" (Tillman, 1988, p. 82). A mistake of the heart is a mistake made based on emotions. "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed" (James 1: 14, KJV).

An example of strong ethical leadership would be 1 Timothy 3: 1-7. For a man to want to be a leader, in this instance a Bishop, they must be of the highest moral and ethical behavior. Leading by example and having the ability to lead are pertinent to this. An example of unethical leadership would be Proverbs 29, as it speaks to those who willingly give in to temptation. By doing they, they compromise their ethics and betray those they are supposed to lead.

I believe using a lie during an investigation to elicit a confession is a valuable technique for an officer to utilize. One's ethics or morals would say a lie is not proper, but I do not see it as a case where you are intentionally trying to cover up something you have done wrong. It is similar as telling your kids there is a tooth fairy, Santa clause, Easter bunny, etc., or telling someone that everything will be okay, even when you know it is not. John 8:32 states "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (KJV). Knowing the truth, yet saying something to the contrary for good be a just reasoning, and one I believe to be forgiven by Him.


Tillman, Jr., William M., Understanding Christian Ethics, 1988.

Tina Matras

Discussion Board

1). Yes. Someone who cannot think for themselves isn't automatically a team play. He or she is simply a follower. The best teams are made up of independent thinkers. Those who come up with new ideas, challenge each other and hold each other accountable. What makes them a team is not that they all think the same but that they come together, support each other and work as a unit. Someone who can't do that is a renegade and arrogant, prideful and selfish; not simply an independent thinker.

One of the points of the American Correctional Association Code of Ethics is to "maintain relationships with colleagues to promote mutual respect within the profession and improve the quality of service." (Goodman, 2013, Appendix B) It doesn't say anything about always agreeing. "Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other." (1 Thessalonians 5:12,13, NIV)

2). I actually think it depends on what I've done wrong. If I speed but don't get caught, should I go to the nearest police station and ask for a ticket? No. But if I get pulled over I shouldn't make an excuse to try and get out of the ticket. "Honesty guides good people; dishonesty destroys treacherous people." (Proverbs 11:3, NLT) "Christian ethics is inherently personal and naturally human; for whatever else ethics involves, it deals with human problems, human choices, and human consequences." (Tillman, 1988, p.277)

3). A mistake of the mind makes you feel guilty. A mistake of the heart goes further than that and cuts deeper. Tillman explains the difference well when he says, "While Christian ethics relies on the brain for input and direction, its life pulse comes from the heart.

Without this dimension, ethics can be overly objective and narrowly analytical." (1988, p. 279) The heart is what keeps you from making the same mistake over and over again. The heart is what makes you "feel" the wrong. Psalm 119:11 doesn't tell us to hide God's word in our minds. It tells us to hide them in our heart." (NLT)

4). The Bible is filled with such examples, especially in the Old Testament. One passage shows both. This is in 1 Kings 9-12 (NIV). King David had been "a man after God's own heart." (Acts 13:22) God had blessed Israel because of David and the kingdom was united. David wasn't perfect but he followed God, took responsibility for his sin and led the people to follow Him. His son, Solomon, was the wisest and wealthiest man that had ever lived.

God told Solomon that He would continue to bless him as long as Solomon follow God. (1 Kings 9:3-9) But Solomon took wives from other nations and tribes, something that was forbidden for God's people. He even made altars to some of their gods. (1 Kings 11:7-8) God became angry. Because of this, Jeroboam was given ten tribes and the kingdom was once again divided.(1 Kings 11-12) This was done as a direct result of Solomon's actions.

5). There is a difference between lying and playing a role. Think of the undercover officer. Is he or she not "lying" by pretending to be someone their not to build a case? No. That officer is playing a role. It is the same in this case. This is not the same as planting evidence, lying on an affidavit, lying in court, or similar situations. It is playing to role to bring the truth forward.

It is similar (although somewhat in reverse) to what Rahab did for the spies in Joshua 2. She played a role and gave information that led to a greater result than if she had told the men where the spies were. "A Christian citizen is not only a good citizen I that he understands the process and actively participates in it but also in that he participates in it from a particular perspective." (Tillman, 1988, p. 123) I can still work in this situation without compromising my ethics.

Goodman, D (2013) Enforcing Ethics: A Scenario-Based Workbook For Police and Corrections Recruits and Officers. Fourth Edition. New Jersey: Pearson

Tillman, W. (1988) Understanding Christian Ethics: An Interpretive Approach. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers

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